Saturday, December 4, 2010
No one reads this anymore. I don't write here anymore. But since last night generally felt like the biggest digression of this past year, an example of a social situation I generally prefer to avoid, why not do something I used to do to deal in the old days? I don't do well with "reunions." I like unions while they're unions. And when they're over? Onward!
I only ever feel compelled to write about my feelings and complicated thought processes when I'm in the kinds of contemplative moods that I currently am in now.
Do you know exactly when you lost your innocence? I don't even want it back; but sometimes I find myself wondering what I'd be like if I lost it the way everyone else usually does. One of my friend's said to me everyone should get their heartbroken to know love. I've suffered from a broken heart (I arguably still do some days) but not in the same way she was referring to. Does it still count? Do I know this "love" she is referring to? Or do I know a different kind of love? A love that isn't transparent and clouded by the innate need and desperation to consummate.
A boy has never broke my heart. I'd like to know that pain. One day, no doubt. But not yet. And not today.I'm in no rush. This is not a race. Until then, I have Caleb Followill's voice to do for me at night, what I suppose your significant others do for you.
People in relationships can be hard to be around. I hate people feeling conflicted because they feel the need to entertain me while also stroking their significant other. Just let me be. I'm a big girl. I'm just fine on my own. Finer than you even.
December, no doubt, is always the hardest. Oh yearning, you are my most painful and yet most favourite feeling.
Love Always,
Lola Anarcha N.
It started and it will end with a film. Trust me.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
October 23, 2010
I can't let others who feel hurt just because I don't fulfill the idea of me that they have created, affect how I feel. Because right now I feel like it's truly unfair and it's upsetting me. I wish I knew other dedicated writers. I wouldn't feel so alone. But all I know are hacks who chase boys for validation (as opposed to love.) Why do I feel alone? Because I have a sick attachment to my art. And I want to know that I'm not the only one with this sickness.
Fucked up and as happy as ever,
yours truly,
Lola Anarcha N.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Creamsoda and Illinois
I haven't had a crush in years. The thing that is as equally exciting as it is infuriating is the very fact that crushes generally evolve from little to no interaction. Most of the time we don't even know the people we have these little emotional things for. The funny thing about this crush? After he served me 2 or 3 times in a very short timespan (of which one of these times I was with my sister and immensely hung over and looking like a rancid courtney love) I stopped seeing him. And it's important to mention that non of these interactions were particularly flirty. I didn't feel any sort of vibe from him, and as the Libra that i am, I'm pretty sure I acted surprisingly reserved (always consumed by copious amounts of scripts to read, or the need to absorb alcohol).
Once I caught him (or the idea of him) crossing my mind as I passed by this coffee shop as I so often do every now and again, I stopped seeing him in real life. He disappeared. He no longer served me my large blacks. It's as if he is no longer employed by said coffee shop. I don't think much would come of this unrequited "like" anyway if I ever do end up seeing him again because it's just difficult to connect with a stranger and progress that connection into a potential and eventual friendship. That, and I'm afraid of "the chase." It's intimidating and vulnerable. And as a self-proclaimed feminist the very thought of appearing vulnerable sounds weak and I'm anything but.
But if we were to ever meet again and maybe even become acquaintances, I think he would be a choice companion to see films with. At the Royal... the Bloor. Pretty together. If somebody were to ask me what I want on a "social" level - just someone I respect and actually like and find interesting to accompany me to interesting films, concerts. Someone to dance to MSTRKRFT with. And roadtrip with to Illinois if I wanted to.
It is quite rare when I actually attend movies with a "friend" and it's because several of these people in my social circles are people I find it challenging to connect with creatively and spiritually. There's a lack of spirit I can really get behind. That's why when I think I can see something good in someone, it's exciting.
I'm in a good place right now. And soon enough, by the new year, I'll be someplace even better. This I know. 2011 afterall was my family's Bonanza Video pin code. And that to me, means something.
Friday, August 13, 2010
You took me to see the Cleveland Indians and left ME at the stadium
You better have acted out of intimidation.
And I segueway, as the queen of segueway that I am... If you've ever wanted to know anything about me... you can learn everything from The Little Giants. All quotes - MEMORABLE.
Junior Floyd: You wanna learn how to kiss?
Becky O'Shea: No. Why, do you?
Junior Floyd: No. Eeww I just got that vomit taste in my mouth.
Becky O'Shea: Come on, you gotta learn sometime. I mean if you wanna get a job and have kids and stuff.
Junior Floyd: You can have kids without kissing...
Becky O'Shea: Yeah, but you can't get a job. You know, for scientific reasons and stuff.
Junior Floyd: Well... become a teacher.
[receiving their uniforms]
Tad: Death shrouds
[flips one around]
Danny O'Shea: They've got your names on the back.
Jake Berman: So the guys at the morgue can identify the bodies.
Karen O'Shea: Kevin, this is pee-wee football. It's supposed to be fun.
Kevin O'Shea: Not fun anymore. See, all the fun is gone now. See now, It's WAR!
Priscilla: God bless family, friends, flowers, Nickelodeon, fuzzy little kittens, Pez, Mr. Lerenzo, the school janitor 'cause he's so hairy.
Kevin O'Shea: He's an unfortunate man Priscilla.
Spike: Look, you berzerko Barbie doll, when you mess with Spike, you mess with death.
Becky O'Shea: You can talk the talk but can you walk the walk?
Spike: Try me!
Becky O'Shea: I will!
Spike: Let's go!
Becky O'Shea: Right now!
Jake Berman: SOMEBODY CALL 911!
Becky O'Shea: What a hunk. Wait a minute? What am I saying? I'm the Icebox. Icebox doesn't like boys. Except for that one...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Fresh Skivvies and a Map of the Goddamned World
Luck with what?
I don't know. Feeling alive. Feeling pain when I prick my finger, feeling numb at the sight of my own blood pearling up, tasting the salt and not liking it as much as I do now. I should recoil at the taste. And I should feel sadness when someone's relative dies other them complete lack of remorse. Other than "oh that's too bad, a million babies are starving in Africa." Feeling lust for something breathtaking instead of something mediocre we give way to much credit to. Feeling like there's a point to all this. There must be a point and I think I'm doing a prince of a job missing that point.
Match point.
Yes. Match point.
You like to win?
Love it.
And losing?
Not anymore.
How can you be so sure?
Trust me.
2 magic words and suddenly I'm sure? I believe you?
You can be as sure of me as you are of the world without God.
Have I confused you?
Well good, I wasn't born to make your life easy. I was born to do something grand.
Go to Europe or have sex?
Precisely so.
Will you excuse me now, I must retire to my room and pack.
Bring plenty of fresh underwear.
I shall.
And a map.
Of course, the last thing I want is to get lost. ....Unless it's all on purpose that is. Than I'd really feel alive.
Friday, May 21, 2010
forget that you know me
Sunday, May 16, 2010
iambic pentameter
BIRON: How low soever the matter, I hope in God for high words.
LONGAVILLE: A high hope for a low heaven: God grant us patience!
BIRON: To hear? or forbear laughing?
LONGAVILLE: To hear meekly, sir, and to laugh moderately; or to
forbear both.
BIRON: Well, sir, be it as the style shall give us cause to
climb in the merriness.
Friday, May 14, 2010
to the Lions.
Wordily yours,
Sunday, May 9, 2010
women, i've had enough
My ocd and I had a wonderful weekend, stereotype free.
if i was good to you
and you were listening. and you liked it. you hummed along. i did everything around you. you saw me do and say the most vulnerable things a person could imagine. the most embarrassing. it astonishes me how any of us function without you? you may have been losing since i was 8 years old, but you were the rock. you were our rock. oh captain, my fucking captain.
i had a thought that maybe i wouldn't. but i knew i would on this day, ask the questions that rape me continually. (probably voluntarily too.)
i had a thought that maybe i wouldn't. but i did anyway.
how many times did I yell at you? how many times did I grab you by the wrist and say, "fuck off and die"?
how did I do it? What's wrong with me?
i never meant it. not once.
Monday, May 3, 2010
I haven't deleted it yet. But oh, I'm close. And each day each and everyone of you "cool people" push me closer to the edge.
A simple bang BANG. And it'll all be over. And I won't say goodbye to any of my facebook friends.
Final thoughts: Could Facebook have prevented or contributed to the shootings in Littleton?
Friday, April 30, 2010
Danny, the Irish Bar-Tender
Not to degrade this serious medical condition, but I suffer from some sort of acute bi-polarity. We all do to a certain extent – mine just seems to be more extreme and more at random than several others. It’s often difficult to explain my change in moods towards certain people and I’m forever apologetic. I don’t ever want to be the bitch, but sometimes you’re just born with bitch inside you and when it rears its ugly head (and it is ugly as you can see from previous posts) you get hot and bothered and jealous and again, you have no reasonable explanation as to why. It’s a chemical jealousy.
But I refuse to censor myself to myself – hence I will not take down or delete any incriminating, self-loathing, or “bitch-driven-against-those-i-love” posts because I’m a big supporter of the honesty-party (however contradictory that allusion may be).
That said, this week has been considerably wonderful regardless of the storm cloud above my head. And to be honest? I blame it shamelessly on PMS. It seems I have intense attitude every so often (like clock-work) when it’s a full-moon or there’s a high-tide or whatever you call it.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
I'm a fragile egomaniac.
Because helping people is good and I will forever try to make up for the bad child that I was. But what I need to learn is that often the "good things" I do are not good for me. Why would anyone in their right mind do things that work against them for the sake of making up for some void that is gone and will never return and that I'll never be able to help. Why do I help you? Because sometimes I like to.
Well I hope you have a good weekend. I really do. Cherish every God-for-saken moment. Because one day you might see her die. Lliterally. You'll be holding her hand and singing Day Dream Believer. And the smell. It'll be unbearable to say the least.
Things change. Thank you Eye Weekly for making me feel better after this week of being haunted by some skeletal fiend of neorosis who burns allllllllllll calories by 5 am and loves it. Absolutely loves it. Envy is a dangerous thing. It's like I'm envious of that ambition, but would never EVER want to trade places. Oh my God, never. GAG ME.
Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22)
What's this? You don't have to drag yourself out of bed and cry your way through your morning coffee? You actually smiled on your way to work? (Yup!) Energy levels are rising and so are your spirits — and those of everyone around you. It's like you finally figured out that you're the star of your life and that it's about time you started to act like it.
Happy Thursday!
Monday, April 26, 2010
Praying for some salvation, Cause she's just so bored
If it's out there for us to see, hear, know, beat off to - what kind of lazy fucks are we if we don't capitalize on the freedom of such information and use it to satisfy some sort of hunger within ourselves?
You know what I really like? What really gets me going? That thrilling sensation of being teased by the idea of satisfaction... the possibility of opportunity dangling above my nose. I reach for it and it pulls away. Not yet... Not yet!
Just wait. Wait for it.
There will come a point where what I want could quite potentially happen. And I understand that in order for it to happen a lot of people's lives will have to change along the way. But then again, it's nothing that hasn't happened before.
I remember the days of having to buy postcards of my favourite band at the corner store in order to look at pictures of them. What!? What was that? We will never see those days again. My blackberry, after all, is synced to 3 different email addresses, all of which receive updates for various forms of fandom in which I so sheepishly engage.
Favourite tune of the moment: Hole's "Skinny Little Bitch"
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Note to self: block out the moaning, but not entirely...
1) Take your time and don't feel guilty for taking your time. Something that's rushed and "done" is the result of a neophyte.
2) Write EVERYTHING. All your thoughts. Every moment, object, picture, scene, line, word, look in the eye. Keep a hundred lists all over the place in no specific order of ideas about the same thing... Eventually you'll have to sort through all of this ramble, but it's worth it for the value of one of those little gems you'll rediscover when you start to really focus on your story.
3) Don't be afraid to chuck ideas or even reuse ideas! Remember, it's cool to be green. Thank the hipsters.
4) Write characters you want to make love to, it'll make the writing experience a hell of a lot more exciting. Trust me. Sometimes I have to take a minute and compose myself. Dirty girl.
5) Determine whether you're a masochist or sadist. This will help immensely. And if you're conscious of this while writing... it really will enrich your work with identity.
6) Your ideas are not always your own. So make them your own.
7) If people in the apartment above you sound like they're having sex and/or masturbating to bad trib porn and you're trying to concentrate - put on a song with a tone you hope to embody in the scene/story/post you're working on and listen to it on repeat. It will not only mask the sex sounds, but will inspire your work.
8) If you have friends who are bitches (and I'm not talking about any of you AM, AF or GC so don't EVER think that) cut them out. And don't feel guilty for cutting them out.
9) Don't feel guilty.
10) Lastly, spill your guts and then get people to read it. And don't feel the need to preface their reading with any sort of warning/clarifications etc. If you wrote it feel good about the fact that something's written and is clearly good enough that you're getting people to read it.
- I think, one day, I'll write a manual.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Health is an 'f' 'u' 'n' letter word
Lately, I've caught myself thinking regularly about a certain someone(s). Thinking and feeling the way I did in high school towards this(these) individual(s). Call it silly, call it a meaningless crush. But whatever the condescending label - know this - this thing, this feeling, adds an energy to tedious daily routine that otherwise wouldn't exist. The lone, fleeting thought bubble or incredibly bantam possibility that I could in fact fling with this guy(s) injects a rush of adrenaline through my arms and coats my emotion with I guess what is often described as "thrill."
He (they) thrills me. And above all else it feels fun. I feel fun.
I want to have fun.
And I won't apologize for my means of fun because in the long run, as I have learned before, this will not hurt anyone except myself. And hurt is all a part of the health. Or so I'm lead to believe.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Gem & the Holograms
I shouldn't waste my insides on the dry, the flat, the moor.
I should climb a mountain. Or at least continue to.
I hate plain and boring.
I hate that even over this annoying, accelerating volume I can hear your putrid voice and see that face that isn't yours.
I need a quiet space. And quiet time.
I need an oasis left of nowhere, full of somewhere.
I need prayer, however sacrilege my actions prove to be.
Where has all the unique gone?
Why are all the gems so far away?
Hurt people hurt people
I know I always say it hurts me most when I think I'm forgetting. (When I see it fading away.)
But, the truth is, it hurts me most when I remember.
My chest gets real heavy. I'm already hyperventilating on the inside. (I hide it well.)
And for a brief moment, fenced in by these makeshift seafome walls, I see it all like it was just days ago.
But that's not what really hurts.
What hurts is that suffocating feeling of being robbed without reason. Of knowing that what you once possessed for such a short short time (and it was a short time, we barely skimmed the fucking surface) will never return to me again. I can never not think that without feeling astounded. And angry.
I guess I'm still angry.
Or maybe I'm just now feeling angry.
However angry, however passionate, the (arguably) easier it's made being out for fucking number one.
Now I move on easy. Let go easy. Get bored easy.
I'll think you're stupid. Or superficial.
I won't call you back. Make promises I don't plan on keeping. I'll leave when I want to leave with no regard for your feelings.
I'll give short notice, and play favorites. I always play favorites.
It's often that I almost feel entitled to be a bitch when I want to.
And you don't have to call me out on it, because I'm well aware. I'll tattoo it on my fucking shoulder to remind you that I'm well aware. I never use this hurt as an excuse and I haven't to get me anywhere or sympathy or anything. Because a lot of people have their own business. Their own lives to notice. And that's ok.
It's ok that no one knows. No one knows the bad, and no one knows the good.
And again my self-righteousness faults me.
"Hurt people hurt people."
It's true.
I'm sorry.
I am.
But, really,
when it comes down to it all...
no one's really that important.
Not anymore.
Call it punishment.
Call it regret.
But don't call me anything.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Jimmy Ruffin and the pursuit
I'm at Ultra on Friday night dancing like a psycho in celebration of, I don't know - life, when some guy and his slightly less attractive but equally coiffed campus-sheik, wingman approach.
It is clear these lads are not just passing by, but have stopped with purpose - a motivation as to why they choose to stand right there, where I in front of them am flailing so carelessly.
They lean in. My dancing tames however briefly, and I perk an ear. The boy starts, "How's your mother?"
And just as Kanye breaks it down, and the Brazillian dancers sh-shakin' it on the risers hollar a "hells ya", I get sucked back into the dance floor, with nothing more than a suspicion and a hope that I heard him wrong.
Later... in the haze, I consider to myself if this vagrant interaction actually occurred. And although only moments had passed, the booze and exertion distorts my internal clock. It could have been five minutes, it could have been fifty. Or even fifty-two. And as if I imagined it all, the two guys appear yet again, and just as I remembered them. Short and Abercrombie.
I close my eyes for a second, I need to concentrate on the question.
I look at his face, it focuses in and out. His lips are moving but I don't hear what he's saying. In fact, they're moving too slow for reality. It's stalled. A time-lapse. And that Kid Cudi song featuring MGMT starts playing, not in the club, but in a bull-pen circumferencing my head. Thick and stretchy, a theoretical mass that keeps me a foot and a half distant at all times. A foot and a half is a large space between my heart and the world. A terrible flaw.
"How's your mother?"
I'm sorry, I must have misunderstood the question, "What?"
He repeats himself, "How is your mother?"
My face falls. After I unapologetically answer with the simplest, although some would argue morbid statement, there are no other words to describe their reaction than bumbling. Fumbling. Morons. Full of sorries, inching away from the black hole that surrounds me, swallowed yet again into the crowd. Their faces barely making an impression in my mind.
I only remember the idea, not the face. Isn't that sad?
Even after the moment it happened. Isn't that sad?
And then I realize, Kid Cudi's become Jimmy Ruffin. Out of sync with the bumpers and grinders all around, but a perfect melody in my head. "Yes, Jimmy," I think to myself. "What does become of the broken-hearted?"
I stand there, as we slowly zoom out to a wide shot.
Indeed, one soul too heavy for a Hot Mess.
But nearly so.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
(this is parade music) (good grade music) (party like you just got paid or got laid music)
I'm listening to hip hop and pop punk, and look at my face... does it look like I care that you act like you're "better" than me?
I'm dancing, at 11:11 am, I'm dancing in my goddam bedroom, swinging my blonde whore hair like nobody's watching because nobody's watching. And it's freeing. And it's cathartic. And I worked so hard.
I love my job. And opportunity. And friendship so genuine you feel like family, thick, thicker, thickest. Blood. Not water. And finally I'm out of the hell hole - almost out - almost there. And I can breathe. FInally breathing. Finally waking up and moving on, and dancing late.
Like old times.
After she'd call. Remembering when I'd hold the phone to the speaker so she could hear the music. Hear them singing to muffle out that fucking drip.
d - R I P.
I just want to party and have fun. So I'm going to party and dance and have fun.
I don't have my words tonight. Not tonight. THey're not here.
And I'm thinking, I still have work to do... get the fuck off itunes.
If you never noticed before - it's a pattern - my best pieces of writing are during awfully stagnant periods. But not now. Not when the fire's raging and I'm neck deep in projects, then the words are on the back burner, until another one of those sad and lonely afternoons... then again, the words will find me, and help me be.
I don't need my words right now.
Get the FUCK off itunes.
Oh music. OHhhhh sweet music. For without you I would not be me. Writing would be my meat, but without music it'd be dry.
What's a piece of meat if it ain't wet?
At least I still got sexual innuendo.
"Easy on the booze," Daddy says. "Easy on the booze."
I'm not even drinkkkkkkking!
Sober Lo
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Fast Potato

The speed of light is 299,792 km per second. Raging fast. So fast it's indescribable, and any effort to's a waste.
I was on a greyhound to Montreal last night when a wild turkey smacked against the windshield and shattered the entire right frame leaving a spheric shaped dent the size of a watermelon in the glass. I thought it was a gunshot. Yup. In the middle of Cassleman, giant crucifixes erected in endless pastures, and I was dead sure it was a bullet.
I don't suppose you feel like writing? Perhaps you can, and I'll dictate while I think these words and breathe these final breathes before i give in to these eyelids, extra heavy. I'm thinking about radios and televisions. About couches and long walks. About conversation and close talk. About my blood and your blood, and blood that is the same. About nothing at all, and everything.
Why do I find myself in these situations over and over again? In an instant - a pull the trigger, drop the gloves, set the razor to the skin instant - it begins. My love for the stranger. Not so much a complete stranger, but an amalgamation of character traits I've already thought up and assigned.
I wonder if I'll ever see #12 again? Grade 5 probability says it's likely.
The speed of light is not that fast.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
players light and plastic pails
We're in some subpar hotel in South Carolina, a real classy joint with one of those beds that comes down from the wall.
And I'm screaming - the cutest fucking meatball of a kid you've ever fucking seen.
I wasn't one of those weirdo kids, I was one of those shoulda been a child star kind of brats.
So I'm screaming but singing and I'm obsessed with collecting shells.
And my pops comes by in a yellow LA lakers sweatshirt cut off at the shoulders with a sixer of Coors Light. God bless Americana,
Anyhow I'm screaming and bouncing off the walls like any little runt hopped up on Coca-cola and pepperettes. And I'm screaming to my daddy. "Daddy how old are you? DAddddddyyyyyyy."
Finally he states, "Twenty-Five." Announcing it real big, real matter-of-facto ya know?
And I believe him. I don't even think twice. I just turn around and repeat, "Daddy's twenty-five" like a fact is a fact ya know? I carry on and ask my mom how old she is. Clearly, my dad is not twenty-five since I was conceived when he was thirty-six. And I'm screaming.
Like the cutest fucking munchkin you've ever fucking seen.
CUT TO: My sister sprawled out on the mattress (the one in the wall), and her nightgown's riding her waist, and her fruit of the looms are all over the camera.
Mom why are you filming this?
I love home videos.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I really like your face(s)
yearn·ing [yur-ning]
1. deep longing, esp. when accompanied by tenderness or sadness: a widower's yearning for his wife.
2. an instance of such longing
[thoughts around midnight, kite]
Monday, March 29, 2010
Paranoia in B-Flat Major
There are forces of nature at work.
Changes on the horizon. The boat set to sea, is trapped in the eye of the storm BUT the red-headed weatherman says clear skies are coming. And COMING... until we reach some point of satisfaction. Of fulfillment for the time being*.
The FREAKS of nature will calm. They'll find a way to free their freak.
Not today. And not tomorrow.
But soon.
Quote me.
There are changes on the horizon.
Trust me.
Not just for me. But for us all trapped in the eye of the storm that is twenty-two... twenty-something.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Mes Amies

Often I am unable to operate in a thick of noise.
I suddenly see a thought bubble from last night. I'm in the center of a dance floor, a commotion of hot mess and hip hop. And I'm dancing - working that pink feathered boa knowing in my right mind that it's ridiculous; wearing this boa in a public venue such as this fails to collect any sort of kosher attention. But because I'm aware of said faux pas, I'm saved by the irony.
I see myself dancing but I'm also thinking. I'm analyzing my surroundings and how I feel about everyone and who I'm with and how I feel.
In this thick of noise my mind operates. It surges through a sea of realization - truths about identity that I feel strongly for. It's funny, isn't it? That some of my most profound actualizations spawn during moments such as this. Clouds of thought floating over chaotic, bawdiful waves of mindless vertical fucking and looping auto-tune.
In this moment I saw myself having fun with my friend with barely any alcohol, zero attraction to any member of either sex, nor the satisfaction of onlookers sending invitations of dishonorable intentions with their eyes. I was having fun because of the friendship. The laughing. The ass-shaking. The sexless debauchery of the feather boa.
And in the thick of it I remembered how fruitful "carefree" can prove to be. The opinions of those potential onlookers do not matter in any way - as much as we think they do. I do not need to waste my time improving myself for others. I must return to improving myself for me. I recall phases where my love for myself was inherent - sent like a chemical signal others picked up upon. I can't fight to get that back, but I can earn it.
And there it is, self-love is fun-love. Self-love is real-love.
How easy it all becomes when you return your focus to yourself.
How easy it is to breathe and to be, when loving yourself returns to the front-lines. And I mean front-lines, because all battles are for freedom.
In time, suddenly, you're free.
And once you're free (again) everything you always longed for - the stuff you ailed for - will simply come to you. And when it comes, it'll come as what the french call a "Tour de force."
Private Lo
Thursday, March 25, 2010
If he isn't good enough for me, how can he be good enough for you?
I do recall singing his praises; it's because he's a "nice" guy with a touch of edge in his style.. not so much the flake you'd consider those creative types, and once upon a time he was prolific when the man wasn't strapped to his back and working his knuckles to the bone.
Excuses. Excuses. When you've got someone in your grasp as good as you... you take your lady out... To a nice dinner, at a reasonable hour. It doesn't have to be every week... but do not say the words, "I love you, I'm so afraid to lose you, you are my girlfriend" if you do not want to share your time, if you just wish to "squeeze" her in.
I'm starting to wonder whether you're truly happy? I know you wouldn't want to be back in high school, so why are you running to class at the ring of the bell?
I'm starting to wonder... when he says "I miss you..." is he really saying "I miss the warm inviting crevice that is your va-jay-jay" ?
These are my thoughts and I likely have no right to have an opinion on the matter. However they are thoughts of concern. They are thoughts in the best interest.
And I'm starting to wonder, "are these thoughts your thoughts too?"
goes Beatnik.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Post-Secret Wednesday
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
This is what your voice feels like
And there it goes, the blade of a steak knife sears right from the flesh of the fruit to the pink of my thumb and it's beading up now, pearls of lovely heartbeat red. The citrus stings the wound, the blood salty as I kiss my own hand clean. But it looks like your hand. Dry and cracked and desperate for intensive care.
And I take a second to regroup. Regardless how deep, these nicks and scrapes can take my wind. I stop flying. I start falling.
My hands are your hands. My hands are cut all over.
I listen to November Blue on repeat and I cry because it feels so unbelievably good to cry and to feel and to hear your voice. Things you said yesterday ten years ago.
I close my eyes and I feel the skin of your hand. The way my head felt against your chest.
And everything that happens for me is because of you. I swear it.
Fuck my nose won't stop running.
What's that prayer you used to say? I wish I knew the words.
Remember those books we used to read before bed? Mercer Mayer.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Terracotta Army
The house was more of a luxury to be honest. One of those Spanish California ranch-styles. A "modest" mansion. There were folks on the roof fixing up some tiles. The terracotta kind - the color of rusty reddish Earth.
I looked up at the house and saw that it was actor Scott Patterson wearing a backwards ball cap and a button down, up there doing work on his own crib. Genuinely enjoying the labor.
"Hey, it's you!" I shouted. He looked down at me and smiled as I brought the unlikely encounter to my sister and father's attention. Clearly, without even knowing me, he can see I've got Gilmore Girls written all over my face and being. We chatted briefly. It was lovely - the kind of pleasant you have with a stranger when you're not being polite for the sake of it, but you realize almost immediately you could actually be friends... You relate...
It was at that moment a mail carrier, who I believe was my older brother, or at least knew and/or looked like my brother, delivered the mail. Something was for me... A check? For $40 000?
What? Why?
"It's yours. I thought you knew?" My sister said without a tinge of jealousy or envy... (Yup, this was a dream...)
So I looked at it. It was indeed for me. My first thought was, "I don't need this at all right now. I only support myself." But it was mine. So I held it... I'm still trying to figure out what this gift from my subconscious world could mean?
In any case - the image of that elaborate roof being maintained, taken care of by this rugged, semi-successful man was the image that really stuck with me. This beautifully ornate roof, yet made from ingredients purely of the Earth... That was what was important in this dream. That's what I had my eyes on...
I consulted a dream dictionary. There are signs everywhere after all.
It states, "To see a roof in your dream, symbolizes a barrier between two states of consciousness. It represents a protection of your consciousness, mentality, and beliefs. The dream is an overview of how you see yourself and who you think you are."
It was terracotta. Rooves adorning Hollywood homes, yet originating from homegrown, warm, European hands. Hands are the most beautiful part of the body. They are the hands that build and create and nurse and touch. And when your face and body changes, your hands generally stay the same. Same lines, nicks, same palms...
To the lovely messages from our subconscious world,
I really appreciate the song playing as I write this - muffled through the walls from some adjoined apartment -
It sounds like Coldplay..."The Scientist." And although I'm not a fan of this band, or really know much about them other than the fact the lead singer was a virgin until he was like 26 or 30 or something that "society" deems outrageous, but I deem "normal"... the song is actually quite fitting for my mood... and the composition of this piece.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
He pulls the antenna up. I don't snap. I just swallow, turn and stock off before he even gets a chance to touch the dial.
And then I hear it. The shameless voice of a boy scout calling after me. And when his voice cracks I feel even more like lying on the train-tracks, than I already do. He's shouting my name. When he says it it sounds like something classic and perfect like "Sarah!"
And as much as I wish it was, it's not.
I try to block it out but he catches up to me... Touches my shoulder so that I face him, but not in any way threatening. He'd risk it all to rescue a pigeon from a rat trap after all.
I glare at him and roll my eyes. He's looking at me. But not staring. So kind and perfect - and so annoyingly oblivious to that. He's an innocent.
Again he says my name. I hear "Sarah." He need say nothing more, the inflection alone asks, "what's wrong?" "Sarah what's wrong? What can I do Sarah?"
I shake my head.
He nods... starting to get it... probably thinking I want nothing to do with him. Ok. He gets it. He'll accept it. He'll turn and he'll leave and he'll just let me alone.
But he doesn't leave. He's stopped looking at me too. Now he's looking at the trees. He doesn't get it. He doesn't get me.
"You think no one gets you," he says. His voice sounding so guilty, as if he just said something inappropriate. I can tell from his face, he's worried.
And then it just fell out of me... "You wanna know what my theory is? About all this? About everything? The secrets of the universe?"
I continue.
"You wanna know what we all do?
...We talk.
We talk.. And, we walk.
We sing and dance.
Kiss and fuck.
Build and break.
No more.
But certainly no less.
Everything else? It's all just variations of the same.
...And as complex as you think this is? THink I am?
It's actually quite simple."
He's looking at me, but not in my eyes. "You think so?"
I nod.
"So now what?"
It's the first time I've ever heard him say the word.
It's my turn to talk.
"I don't wanna talk," I say.
"Ok. What do you want to do?" He says my name at the end of his question... but this time I try not to hear Sarah... but my real name.
I take a deep breath. "I wanna do what people do when they don't talk."
After a moment we turn and walk, but this time together, leaves crunching under our feet.
He turns on the radio and it plays an annoyingly perfect tune, like it's the end of a scene in a movie. As lame as I know he knows I think that is, I really like the song.
And how clammy his hand is.
- I wrote this on my ipod while walking home from No Frills. Man, so much of my writing is inspired by walks home from No Frills...
Thursday, March 18, 2010
he makes me cry
I say ok. But it comes out in a whisper - a weak one - my voice caught in my throat.
"Don't worry about it. You're fine. Don't be sad. You're fine ok... ...Are you there? Hey?"
...I'm there. "I'm here."
"Ok. You're fine. Eh? We'll talk tomorrow. Good night."
i'm a telephone crier.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Talk of indolence, a conversation story
M: "Yeah. You're right."
B: "And they don't even know it."
M: "And they choose to ignore it!"
B: "I believe in communication. I've tried it."
M: "Ya, me too. But sometimes I don't even want to talk."
B: "Oh I NEVER want to talk. Sometimes I open up and play nice... but I have to be in an exceptional mood. I'm often in a good mood, but when I avoid conversation it's not that I'm not in a good mood, it's that I don't want to get in a bad mood. It's a preventative measure."
M: "Talk contraception."
B: "Purple prophylactics."
M: "Candy-flavored condoms!"
B: "Bitchin'."
M: "Indeed...(Beat)
...Her laziness annoys me. Like pick up your crap. It's eating the living room. This isn't your personal hole."
B: " 'And like stop showing your fucking mid-drift', is what I should have said to her. Do you know how tacky that is? ...And it's like tooting your own horn... You know how much she toots her own horn? It's like toot, toot, TOOT every second I see her. Just leave me alone. I'm thinking about things. Important things."
M: "Well Megan's the same way. Except she's just in love with her mother. Every two seconds she needs to see what Mommy thinks... It's embarrassing. Em-bare-assing. Like, I'd like to fuck my boyfriend in peace thank you."
B: "Inconvenient."
M: "When I want it... YES!"
B: "....I bet her Mom tucks her in at night too. Lucky cake."
M: "OMG she's SUCH a cake."
B: "I can't stand cakes."
M: "Oh they're cakes. They're having lunch right and the worst part - they brought provolone cheese and mortadella and olives.... Listen. Don't try to be Italian. You will never be Italian, you rude fuckin' Wonder bread eating manga cakes."
B: "Man alive, that's hilarious. Sounds like dialogue."
M: "Why thank you! I fancy myself a writer don'chya know."
B: "Hey, maybe the mid-drift things a cake thing?"
M: "Or an, 'i'm a 14 year old hick, and shop at Claires' thing. It's tragic."
B: "Obliviously tragic."
M: "The worst kind of tragic... A sin."
B: "Yeah."
M: "Yeah." (Beat).
"Wanna cigarette?"
I wave it off; she knows i don't smoke. But she does when she drinks, so she lights that bitch and sucks it back. She is the epitome of cool and I love her. I make sure to take the moment and admire her, then I carry on with one last thought...
B: "Well, who am I to forgive? But I'll do it anyway - to my cake, to yours. They can't help it, they were born that way... Like we, were born like this."
M: "Holier than thou?"
B: "Your words sister, not mine..."
She holds up her cigarette as if to cheers. I hold up my highball. We clink and ash sprinkles down like paper snow.
She turns to me and says, "So we fucked without a rubber last night."
B: "Oh ya? ... What's that like?"
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Flies, a short story
Part I
It’s a Sunday and there’s a fly on my potato salad. And not one of those little ones either, but the egg-shaped ones with hairs as long as those in an old man’s nose. My uncle’s name is Beagle. He was named after an old Navy sloop that carried Charles Darwin on a historic journey around the Americas, and the world too. Charles Darwin was a scientist of sorts in case you didn’t know.The kind of science that isn't really real but pondered. There's a word for it, but I can't pin the tail on the donkey with this one.
The HMS Beagle seized operation in 1870. There she went, fifty years after her first launch to sea, she was stripped to the bone and sold for scrap. And like that big old sloop I wouldn’t be surprised if my dear Uncle Beagle sees the same darned fate.
I call him dear, but his friends call him bastard.
It was early June when my parents left for the Key Largo Florida. I was only six years old and it was the last I ever seen of them. My mama was beautiufl, had hair the color of sunflowers, roots the color of their seeds. My father was a bowler, ran with a team called the Yesterday Sandy's. They were headed down to the Keys for a big tournament. "A big one," they cheered as they patted my head and loaded their bags in that Ford pick-up they took from my Gran, almost the instant after my pop's daddy died. They even promised to bring me back authentic Floridian salt-water taffy, straight from the Zeno's factory! The stuff of dreams. Oh boy, I thought. Oh boy.
The funny part of it all - well there was a mountain of luggage stacked in the back of that truck - so high I was worried it'd block the rearview from reflecting the road behind. Worried for their safety, naturally. You should have seen it - their bedroom was nearly empty - drawers almost bare. Looked like a cyclone past through the house too. And yet as I listened to that Ford speed out of the driveway and onto the open road, I sit wondering why my father's lucky bowling ball sit at the bottom of their closet - with his initials engraved 'B' and 'J' all shiney on the front. And I sit wondering, didn't he believe in luck no more?
After a month of living with Gran and her barely saying a word, I started to realize I wasn't getting any Zeno's taffy anytime soon. And when the years started passing, I stopped dreaming of it all together.
My gran just turned 80 at the time, but she looked just about a hundred and twleve. For an old person she sure did smell good, like donut shop coffee and old fashioned glaze. I didn't have to move, 'cause we already lived in her house, off her dime and her cans of Campbells soup. "Mmm mmm good," she'd repeat over and over again. Without much talk or conversation, we established our own little routine, our own way of co-existing in a weird kind of peace. We got along her and I, and I guess it was because my ma and old man didn't just leave behind that special bowling ball, but they left her behind too.
Last Tuesday I was out in the yard and heard the "ding aling aling" of the Dickie Dee ice cream man and boy did I want a Rocket. I caught a glimpse of him - he was breakng on a sharp turn down Everly St. I ran so fast and yelled after him. I nearly tripped and chipped a tooth - surely worth the sacrfice .I caught up with him a moment later, wheezing and out and breath.
I licked that rocket so fast it was almost done by time I reached the front step of my house, my tonge purple from the red and blue fruit flavors, my chin sticky with tears of juices. If Gran saw my face, she wouldnt be pleased. I'd know it from that huff she always made anytime I was impolite or acting like what she called a "neandrathal." That always scared me straight 'cause that's what she called my daddy and I don't think she liked him very much. He never opened the door for her or picked up a quart or nothing. A neandrathal.
I stepped onto the porch and just as I reached for the screen door, there she was lying on the lineoleom kitchen floor, face planted into the ground, Campbells cream of mushroom splattered like an all-you-can-eat chalk outline. And it hit me, it seemed like everyone around me dropped like flies. Was I bug repellent? I wondered.
Sad as it was, that's how I ended up bunking with Uncle Beagle, the Zoologist. He was my only other living relative, but a relative I'd never met only overheard of in passing. Gran's house was repossessed, seems like she had no money, a beehive of credit, and a rather large outstanding dept. The authorities came to collect me and delivered me to the Park Street Zoo. And there he was Beagle James in a navy blue jumper, his name embroidered on his breast and a look of utter confusion on his fully bearded face. He looked like Jesus Christ I thought, the way he looks in the painting that hung above Gran's canopy.
No, Uncle Beagle the janitor (not a zoologist), wasn't expecting me at all. Even more, he wasn't expecting what would come of our life together...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
North Carolina

I love blaring ridiculously good new-age bluegrass while working on arts and crafts. A fine activity for a rainy Saturday afternoon. Surrounded by exposed brick and wood trim. Wearing my navy wellies - "Shining Time Station cool." My fingertips sticky with glue, my skin cut from paper - my heart overflowing with pure joy and my lips singing along to this sweet sweet music.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
What light there is slips through
Having said that, suffering for suffering's sake brings us nowhere. The courage to face difficulty is a two-pronged cure that will take us out of it. If Psyche had walked into the Land of the Dead without knowing what she was facing, she'd still be down there, wailing with the rest of the souls. But she walked out and, in the deepest corners of my faith, I know I will too.
I am beginning to view my life as my own personal myth, with its own gods and demons and trials in the Underworld. I firmly believe that this is what life really is and that everyone, everywhere, is writing their own myths as they breathe. Like any anthology, some myths are more ambitious than others and some small acts of heroism can get lost in the shuffle, but there are no minor myths, no lesser heroes, just smaller or quieter ones. The only stories that don't finish are the ones that don't begin and to begin, you need to leave the familiar and accept the quest. So first let us accept, then let us begin.
Inari Grindcore
This is my last post on Sexless. I'm not a fan of stagnancy, so change it, move it, shake it, rip it's all good with me.
thick, thicker, thickest
Sell a couple bottles of Dr. Good
Girl, I like your biznessss
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Peter Krause, you're a fox.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
7:14 am itunes binge and the grand ole oprey
Friday, March 5, 2010
Bonham, Jones, Page & Plant
'Cause you know sometimes words have
Two meanings
In a tree by the brook
There's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it makes me wonder..."
Thursday, March 4, 2010

I've been watching a lot of contemporary Canadian film lately.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Nurse. Fighter. Boy.
The Equalizer
Maybe it was my midmorning snack of two black coffees and a diet coke, but I have this nervous pit in my stomach and a bad case of the jitters. As if I've done something. As if something's going to happen. Or maybe something already has.
I've been more paranoid than usual. It could be that I grew up middle class, and I am so not in that environment anymore... that is until I return to my four-room apartment on Bloor St... It's astounding how severe the hierarchal dichotomy is in the professional world. I often feel inadequate. I shouldn't though and I know that. But, to be honest, it's kind of nice to not be so self-assured for a change. It makes you work twice as hard, if not harder.
It also makes you always wonder what others are thinking and why.
My Dad says not to worry. He says to just be my honest self and everything will be more than fine. How does he say this with such unbound conviction, as if he's in tune with some deeper fate with God himself.
In any case, I've come to understand that even if we think we owe to others for the bulk of our achievements, we also in part owe it to ourselves to see that we at least play some role in getting to where we wish to be.
We just need to build it. And considering there's a massive green tarp right behind my cubicle blocking off a site of demolition - in order to then reconstruct a corner office that oozes years of learning, harwork and success... I know for a fact that "building" is a work in progress. So we gotta be in it for the long-haul. If you're in a nervous hurry? Then this life? It ain't for you.
Axl Rose really does give great advice.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
"Sabrina, you're a freak"
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Post-Secret Sunday
Saturday, February 20, 2010
"To transform the emptiness of loneliness, to the fullness of aloneness. Ah, that is the secret of life."
I stole this from BW's wall, originally quoted so brilliantly by Sunita Khosla, who I feel is some sort of spiritual... perhaps a Taoist. Regardless of the label, the message is insightful... and the phrasing so unfairly eloquent. I say unfair, because I wish I was so poetically profound. I can be, but potentially in my drunkest of moments.
It's going to be a lovely weekend. And although I am without a new episode of Friday Night Lights, I have my tunes, I've got my pencils and a little free time. And Tim Riggins, you lonesome put-upon soul, if it just so happens you're nearing fate is bound by the 4 enclosing barriers of a jail cell... well your return to "functioning" Texas society one to five years from now for the (in my opinion) undoubtable movie special will be so orgasmically satisfactory. (At least I'm praying for it. This is what I pray for.) And I'm not saying you'll find Jesus Christ, preach the holy word, but you'll be ready for your 25 acres, ready to be the real man we all believe you can be. The man I believe you can be! You'll marry Becks, and treat her right. You'll lay her down on that bear-skin rug (or maybe something you bought at Target) and perhaps give her, for the first time, the kind of sex that an equally as real of a woman deserves. And as for Lyla Garrity... she shall be but a distant memory. We all need distant memories. We all need a little heartache. It's what makes us so sexually appealing in the present. Do not regret anyone from your past, because they are an essential rung on a staircase leading to the one. "The one." That's pretty intense.
"Let's make some memories this weekend Six."
xo Lola.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Someone else's Patti Boyd
What am I thinking about? Diet cokes and drunk sxts.
I'm being a total girl. I'd like a little reciprocation. Have you already grown tired of my like "total bodaciousness"?
I want a pin-up shot. Something retro wearing a one-piece with batty lashes and big hair and big shoes, wide hips, lots of shoulder, chesteses, and a cigarette... dangling. Cherries and righteous sailor tattoos.
Pretty eyed, pirate smile.
You're not around this week are you? You're not into it are you? You're "gonna go for someone else now." Aren't you? The girl down the street? In the apartment over? My best girl? My roommate? We've already all kissed the same guys; nothing new to report there.
How incestuous friendship is. You'd think it'd make me want to vomit but it don't.
I wonder what the Scarecrow thinks. His opinion of me has likely diminished and his resentment of you exponential.
I'm not going to drunk text you tomorrow night.
"You wanted to be a writer right?"
Ummm. I still do? No, I still am.
Women. Triple-edged sword.
Casually, lovingly yours... Unless you look down upon that of course?
-El Oh.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
In the state of Denmark
Monday, February 15, 2010
All in the family

I woke up yesterday well-rested and relieved. I never wake up well-rested. It's also nearly impossible for me to shut my eyes and not wake up until morning. It was a weird night, to say the least. But I was "on" the rest of the day. I felt healthy. Pro-active.