Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sell a couple bottles of Dr. Good

Dear Anne,

I'm thinking of taking over the house blog as my own without officially telling anyone or its "co-owners". I'll keep all of its history and posts - not only mine but Inari's and Des' as well. I'd never EVER want to lose any of them. see... it houses so many of my stories and thoughts that I feel abnormally close to it... as if I've already reinvented it as all my own. I love the URL but absolutely loathe the name. I really want to change it to something that speaks specifically to who I am... something that compares to the creative spunk of other such titles that I'm proud of from my own cognatic collection. I could probably come up with an inifinite amount a hell of a lot better than "Sexless." Even though I'm sure I annoyingly coined it to begin with - unknowing of it's existing exponent - parodic popularity.

What I'm really concerned with Anne is my desire just to take something that is not wholly mine without consulting anyone first. It's not that consulting with the others would be any sort of thorn in my side... I just don't feel like I have to. But maybe I do, or why else would I be sussing this out? I'm usually not a wimp like this. Meh... I think I was just looking for an excuse to quote Cher in a blog post... and applied it to the most relevant of passing thoughts I was having.

What do you think Anne? Think i'd be stealing?

A Thief on a Thursday night.

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