Friday, November 6, 2009

Taking your bra off after a long day, and oh, how free it feels.

When you start to love yourself, in an un-selfinvolved kind of way - like not cringe at the things you say. Or you don't hide your interests out of fear that other people will turn their nose up at you, or grimace or something - it's freeing.

When you start to like your persona, it's like fulfillment. You don't have to buy anything or search for anything, because you feel "cool" as silly as that sounds. Cool with yourself. Cool in your skin.
Breathing becomes easier. Like tearing off your underwire after a hard day's work, except in more of an emotional way, than a physical experience. But, I suppose it's a physical experience as well. It's comfort. And comfort is physical.

And you may question, like I often do, that liking your "persona" isn't actually liking the real you because persona is: you + substance, you + material, you + trends. But YOU are still there. PERSON is still a part of persona.

The moment you look around and realize... you're happy being and looking like the you, you are, even the you you crafted and learned to be, rather than desiring to be or look like any other chic or dude around you... it's like smiles all around.

Smiles are like sunshine. Smiles are a breath of fresh air.

Who made sorrow cool, anyways?


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