Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Like self-actualization covered in melted cheese

So I've spent a good chunk of my day (and a healthy portion of last night) reading responses to a forum asking what people like to eat while they're high. This, coupled with the strangely pot-like effects of 2-3 tabs of Escitalopram + melatonin means that I've developped an overwhelming urge to eat like a gourded-out stoner. If this hunk of mozzarella covered in hummus is any indication, I've been doing just that.

I like to think that I have a healthy relationship with food. It's so everyday, it's so common, how can you go day to day and just think of it as fuel? Well, I guess you can. But isn't life richer, sexier, more fun, more sensual if you crave and enjoy and are satisfied by absolutely every bite you take?

Gratifyingly yours,


If I were a munchy, I would be...zucchini, crushed tomatoes, hot sauce, hummus with a glass of water and a tablespoon of Nutella and crushed walnuts

1 comment:

Beth & Manly - Formerly - sexlessinthecity said...

As I dive back into my pie-ridden script, I find myself once again getting hot for food (and hot for unobtainable men).

I'll let Vida do the talking:

“Sometimes all I’m thinking about is what I’m eating next. No wait, that’s not true. I’m also wondering when I might see Andy next. I would bet he is the only one with enough influence to trump food. If he invited me to dinner... I would eat anywhere. I would savour any wine he ordered. Enjoy any chocolates he would give me. I would bake baked-things for him, and I would lick the batter.”


Oh man. I want DQ liquid PB in milkshake form.