Thursday, July 30, 2009

Spitting tequila on a pilled-up raver

Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, answer these questions.Try not to repeat a song title. Repost as "my life according to (band name)".

Stolen from BFFF (the extra 'F' stands for 'Fuckin') Megz.


Are you a male or female:
Look at me, I'm a Mystery Girl

Describe yourself:
Dudley, dear, I'm a fuckin' Phenomena

How do you feel:

Describe where you currently live:
Surrounded by Shame and Fortune, but ultimately, I'd say it's a pretty Dull Life with lots of Sweets and Mysteries.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Miles, Miles, Miles Away

Your favorite form of transportation:
A Gold Lion

Thought for the Day:

Your closest friend?
One's a Warrior, one's a Honeybear, all are Faces I bring with me to my dark places.

You and your friends are:
Dragon Queens, Skeletons, Art Stars and the occasional Machine.

What's the weather like:
Like the sky's got cracks in its Sealings, letting the water out.

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
Heads Will Roll

What is life to you:
A constant studying of Maps

Your relationship:

What do think of when you think of love:
Like a Poor Song that is simple yet flawed and beautiful in its flaws and its simplicities.

Your fear:
What I will Turn Into

What is the best advice you have to give:
Kiss Kiss then Bang! In that order.

How I would like to die:
On a Diamond Sea

My soul's present condition:
Zero. Start again.

My motto:
Life is just a bunch of Rockers to Swallow. Bottoms up!



If I were a rock star, I would....wake up, drunk, with my lungs full of glitter.

1 comment:

Beth & Manly - Formerly - sexlessinthecity said...

This is wonderful!
I love your post statement.
If you were a rock star you'd also be sex by the trillions.