Tuesday, December 23, 2008

kaleidoscope eyes, feeling the spanish rise

Reflections of Cuba Part I:

in the cobblestone street,
some hot Cuban beat
i yearn to move with your bleeding feet...

its Saturday Night Fever at the Vampire Discoteca
and you sway in your John Travolta suit... lingering on the brim of the dance-floor
watching me like the hot Spanish prick that you are. And I want you. At least I think I do.
All your comrads have tried, but my eyes are only wide for you.
Some Aj Maclean teenage vampire who no hoblo anglaise... which is why I ask myself "my God, why you!? Why in this crowd, in this weird bar - a salsa club rave-like hybrid" where I feel more at ease cutting up the floor than I do usually in its north american equivalent.
I would have rather you just held out without saying a word. I would have rather left believing in the romantic eye contact we exchanged from afar. But you had to shatter all that. Shatter the cinematic story I was playing out in my mind. You actually danced the last dance with a partner across from you... with another human being. Someone else. Some random chicita with an unmemorable face and an even more nondescript soul.
So I said adios and I shook your hand goodnight. And I was gone. And as were you.


Cuba was an overwhelming jambalaya of flavor, emotion and womanhood. It was more surreal than anything else. I will return with more reflections of my experience. I have gained many insights, connections and a new obsession for red snapper fish and Cuban salsa music. I must learn how to dance with a partner in the coming years.
If ever in doubt... I shall now think to myself, "WWCD": What would Che do?...The Answer... "He'd start a revolution!"

x's & o's bros,

If I were any religion I would be: Santeria.

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